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General info
Claim your stake of the mummy’s gold when you join a fun online casino that offers the best in entertainment. has been online since 2002 and is still offering players great promotions, excellent customer service, and awesome games.
The casino is fully licensed and has received the stamp of approval from eCOGRA, an independent company based in the United Kingdom, who is also responsible for auditing the fairness of all the games. Mummys Gold uses a Random Number Generator and boasts an average payout ratio of 96.14% across all games.
Registering an account is quick and easy with 3 only steps to take: Click on the Play Now button on the website, register a real casino account and get ready to claim your stake of the mummy’s gold.
Bonuses and Promotions at
Before you claim your welcome offer at, you can first play 25 free spins on Gold Factory. With our exclusive no deposit bonus, you can try your skills on slots, win some real money and prepare for big jackpot wins! Are you ready for the show?
As a welcome bonus, all new players that register an account at will receive a 100% match bonus of up to €500. This will be credited immediately upon your 1st single deposit only. Therefore, if you make a deposit of €20, you will get a €20 bonus, giving you €40 to play with. However, if you want to make the most of your welcome bonus, it’s recommended to make the maximum deposit of €500, upon which you’ll get a €500 bonus so that you’ll have a total of €1000 to play with.
Whether you want to take full advantage of your first bonus, or just want to make a minimum deposit to try out the games, you’ll receive even more promotions as you continue to play. The popular Daily Deal is a match bonus that will be waiting in your account every single day. It’s guaranteed and customised according to your gameplay, so the more you play, the more you score. There are also monthly promotions that you can enter with great prizes up for grabs like cash, casino credits, and extra loyalty points.
What are these points? offers a free-to-join Loyalty Programme where you will earn points for every bet placed. In return, you will receive casino credits when you redeem these points.
Software and Games at
If you’re looking for games, and the best games, to play then look no further than Mummy’s Gold Casino. Backed by Microgaming software, all the games are easy to the eye and fun to play, with endless rewards whether you’re playing video poker, slots or table games. offers more than 700 different casino games to enjoy. Fans of slot machines can enjoy old-school classic 3-reel slots like Mega Money Multiplier and Cool Buck, while a new generation of 5-reel video slot players can cash in on popular games like Emoticons, Beautiful Bones, Immortal Romance and Thunderstruck II.
Table players are not left out in the cold as there are more than 40 different blackjack tables, including single- and multi-hand blackjack, while other table games include roulette, craps, baccarat and sic bo.
Want to get the upper hand? Why not try any of the video poker games available, including the popular Jacks or Better, Aces & Faces and Joker Poker.
And if you want to get away from the gaming action, you can also play some fun scratch card games, with titles including Foamy Fortunes, Germinator and Lucky Numbers.
Payments and Security at
Safety and security are the top priority for Mummy’s Gold, as every player’s safety is number one. Dedicated to providing safe, secure and reliable banking transactions with prompt payouts, offers a variety of safe deposit options. These include credit and debit cards, as well as popular web wallets and prepaid solutions.
In some cases, Mummys Gold may request certain documents from you, especially if you cash in on a big win. These are standard requirements from any online casino and may include a recent utility bill and driver’s license. Once these documents have been approved, your winnings will be paid immediately. The casino, however, will inform you well ahead of time of what (if anything) is required to ensure that winnings are paid timeously.
Support Service at
Should you at any time wish to contact the casino, you can make use of 3 different contact points:
- Phone: A quick phone call will resolve your query fast via a toll-free number in most regions
- Email: Not the speediest solution, but the support team will reply within a reasonable timeframe
- Live Chat: Probably the best option, as you can chat to someone in real-time and will have your query resolved while you’re online
The Mummys Gold support team is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, so you can literally contact them at any time.
Conclusion and Recommendation is a great online casino with enjoyable games, friendly support and the best in overall entertainment. Register an account today and find out for yourself. With a casino that’s been around for more than a decade, you’re sure to be playing for a very long time to come!